
Prensilia SRL is an SME spun out from Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna (Pisa, Italy) in 2009, by researchers of the ARTS (Advanced Robotics and Technology) Lab, with long experience in research and development of innovative robotic and biomedical devices. Prensilia has been involved in national and international research projects in the field of robotics, hand prosthetics, and neuroscience, which strongly contributed in building and consolidating its key expertise.
The ability of the company to translate research and design activity into viable and innovative products allowed it to develop IH2 Azzurra, the first market available 5-axis human sized, anthropomorphic hand with actuation, sensory and control system embedded in the palm. In 2019, Prensilia released Mia, an electric anthropomorphic end effector for flexible manufacturing plants, social and/or humanoid collaborative robots, bio-automation, ergonomics and prosthetics, to name a few. Mia has been awarded with the prestigious Compasso D’Oro 2022 and with the Red Dot Design Award 2019, and obtained the honorable mention in The Plan Award 2019. Prensilia was recognized as one of the five best companies in Europe at the 2013 euRobotics Technology Transfer Award.

The Project Team

Francesco Clemente
Francesco ClementeManaging director
Responsible for dissemination, exploitation and communication of project results
Nicola Motzo
Nicola MotzoR&D Electronics Engineer
Designer of sensors and related electronics
Giulia Lippi
Giulia LippiR&D Mechanical Engineer
Designer of components for sensors and responsible for simulation
Amedeo Morandi
Amedeo MorandiFinancial
Dissemination, communication
and exploitation of
project resuls