Jožef Stefan Institute

JSI is the largest research institution in Slovenia, covering the fields of physics, chemistry, biochemistry, materials science, electronics and information technology, nuclear reactor engineering and energetics. JSI is also intensively involved in post-graduate education via the Jožef Stefan Postgraduate School and the Universities of Ljubljana, Maribor and Nova Gorica.

The main activity within this project will be conducted at the Department for Materials Synthesis and the Department of Complex Matter. The research focus and expertise of the two departments is complementary and covers all aspects of materials chemistry and physics. The research at the Department for Materials Synthesis is focused on nanomaterials, including their syntheses, characterization, functionalization, colloidal chemistry, self-assembly, and the chemical, structural and physical properties of nanoparticles.

The research in the group Light and Matter within the Department of Complex Matter is focused on the physics of soft matter, from investigations of optical properties to hydrodynamic behaviour and self-assembly in thin films, of materials such as liquid crystals, elastomers, colloids and biological systems, using a variety of optical and surface methods.

The Project Team

Darja Lisjak
Darja LisjakAssoc. Prof. Dr.
Scientific Advisor

Coordinator; responsible for project management and development of new hybridization technology and magneto-electric liquids.

Alenka Mertelj
Alenka MerteljAsst. Prof. Dr.
Senior Researcher, Assistant Head of Department of Complex Matter.

Principle investigator; responsible for the characterization of new materials.

Darko Makovec
Darko MakovecProf. Dr.
Scientific Advisor, Head of Department for Materials Synthesis.

Senior researcher; responsible for electron microscopy studies.

Stanislav Čampelj
Stanislav ČampeljDr.
Postdoctoral researcher

Development new magneto-electric soft materials for sensors.

Ali Tufani
Ali TufaniDr.
Postdoctoral researcher

Development of new hybridization technology for magneto-electric hybrids.

Nerea Sebastián
Nerea SebastiánDr.

Physical characterization of new materials.

Peter Medle Rupnik
Peter Medle Rupnik

Magneto- and electrooptic studies of new materials.